One of the Best Videos on Piano not by a Pianist
How to Truly Listen - Evelyn Glennie
You're probably wondering why on earth I'm posting a piano technique video that is done by a non-pianist. Years ago, when I first happened upon this video, I was not familiar with Evelyn Glennie. Such a fabulous musician. And what a story.
There are many parallels here to Reese Piano Technique concepts, so I ask that everyone I coach watch it...several times.
What are the parallels between Glennie's technique and Reese Piano Technique?
A flexible hand and palm. No gripping or grabbing.
The entire body is always involved in the playing.
Colorful, expressive playing is achieved by action, not by arm weight, or strong fingers, or relaxation.
How to listen with more than just your ears.
Interpreting the score. The music is not the black dots on the page.
Start with sound and how to produce what you want to hear. Starting students out with reading and exercises is deadening to musicality. Sound first.
Have something to say, and say it.
In my article, The Piano…a Stubborn Mule?, I addressed the connection of inflection, expression, and color in our daily speech to achieving these same 3 things in our playing. That connection continues here.
This is an amazing story. Enjoy. And please comment below--let's start a discussion.